
Pancreatic Cancer: The Signs and Symptoms

Pancreatic tumors are the fourth cause of death among cancer-related illnesses in both men and women. Individuals diagnosed with the tumor during the early stages of the malignancy have an 85% chance within a five-year span of attaining...

5 Toxic Grocery Store Products to Avoid

There are a great many of toxic chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis, from toxins in our environment to the foods we eat. Toxic chemicals in our food?!? Yes, and we’ve come up with a list of five common foods that many of us eat...

27 Signs You Are Depressed

We all have an image of what depression looks like. It’s sad, low energy, and withdrawn from connection with friends and family. But while intense and long-term sadness is almost always a facet of depression, it is not the only element by...

11 alimentos que nunca hay que comer con artritis

La artritis es un trastorno caracterizado por dolor e inflamación en las articulaciones. Aunque hay una variedad de diferentes tipos artritis – la psoriásica, la reumatoide y la osteoartritis – el tratamiento de todo tipo se centra en la...

11 Cancer Symptoms You Are Likely To Ignore

Cancer is one of the most deadliest and scariest diseases. Diagnosis is always a huge shock. Yet, many cancers are highly curable when caught early. That’s why it’s very important to be on constant alert for cancer symptoms. Here are the...

7 alimentos que reduzem o colesterol

Seu corpo cria naturalmente colesterol. Você precisa dele para construir células, digerir comida, produzir hormônios e gerar Vitamina D. O problema é que muito do LDL, ou colesterol ruim, pode causar doença coronariana e ataques cardíacos....

17 señales de que podrías tener diabetes

Desde los síntomas de los que nos encanta hablar en un descanso en la oficina como por ejemplo – “¡Qué cansado estoy!” a esos que no queremos que nadie sepa – ejem, disfunción eréctil – tosecita – los síntomas de la diabetes son sutiles...